999 N. Loyalsock Ave Suite C
Montoursville, Pa 17754
Tel: 570-601-4765
Fax: 570-601-4768
191 Palmer Industrial Rd
Williamsport, Pa 17701
ACS is dedicated to servicing and delivering the utmost value and quality to our customers. We encourage diverse perspectives, celebrating our differences, foster belonging, champion fairness, inclusion and equity. We value military service and know your skills and experience will help us succeed in meeting our customers expectations.
Appellation Construction Services, LLC will continue to remind our employees the importance of following our disease prevention policy and procedures during our daily JSA Meetings and will conduct Toolbox Topics for review, covering knowledge & best prevention suggestions in accordance with the CDC recommendations. We will follow closely the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO) with updated and ongoing recommendations and policies.
ACS will continue to provide and enhance Health and Safety protocols, items such as Hand Sanitizer, Hand Soap and any additional PPE at no cost to our employees as needed to help prevent the spread of the COVID-19 Virus. As of Monday, April 6th we have instituted our On-Site Health Screening Procedure to help mitigate the possibility of the virus spreading within our company and associated work locations.
(Refer to our On-Site Health Screening Procedure) We will disinfect our high-use work areas and items daily with a mixture of Clorox and water as an additional prevention tool. As of Sunday April 19th, we will recommend that our employees wear the company provided face masks or wear an approved face covering while at work if unable to maintain 6 feet of separation between co-workers. We will comply with our client’s rules and policies in the prevention of disease transmission. These facial covering requirements call for simple cloth coverings and should not be confused with respiratory protection requirements set forth by OSHA. Therefore, there are no requirements for fit testing, medical evaluation or being clean shaven with these new requirements. Conversely, these new requirements are not a substitute for and do not replace any OSHA respiratory protection requirements or COVID-19 close proximity work protocols and PPE requirements when 6’ social distancing cannot be maintained.
ACS discourages any non-essential business or personal travel according to CDC guidelines. All commercial airline travel is prohibited, which includes domestic and international airline travel. All mass public transit is prohibited, including but not limited to busses, trains, rail cars, subways etc. Travel to states with ongoing widespread community transmission is not recommended. These states have quarantining requirements associated.(there are currently 22 states included) If any of our employees have travelled to CDC Level 3 locations, they will not be permitted on any Williams locations for a period of 14 days following their travel from these locations. This information will be disclosed to a designated Williams representative.
(Refer to the CDC Level 3 Travel Health Notice)
ACS employees are advised to follow individual state guidelines for any domestic business travel. In addition, ACS employees are required to carry with them documentation stating ACS is an essential business under contract with Gas Transmission companies.
We will follow our customer policies and any public health and safety action plans as this epidemic progresses.
ACS feels transparency is a key factor in preventing the spread of infectious diseases, we will communicate openly in accordance with HIPAA rules with our customers and employees if one or more of our employees are diagnosed with the COVID-19 Virus.
If an ACS workgroup needs to be removed from a jobsite, we will have additional qualified employees to replace the affected employees to ensure our work requirements/agreements continue on schedule.
Our infected employee(s) would be required to leave work and remain at home for duration of the illness and associated quarantine time frames as to reduce the possibility of additional employee infection. ACS will not require a healthcare provider’s note for affected employees to validate their illness or to return to work.
ACS will follow the latest guidance from the CDC, WHO (World Health Organization), local governments and public health agencies and are prepared to navigate these challenging circumstances with everyone’s safety in mind.
ACS considers the health & safety of our employees and customers our company’s core value, one that will not waiver.
ACS will use items such as daily reminders, posters & signage to assist our employees during these
trying times. We will be available to answer any employee question(s).
ACS Employee Exposure and Reporting Procedures:
If an employee is experiencing any of the below symptoms, they are required to advise their supervisor or foreman and not to report to work until their doctor or a medical professional decides whether testing for the virus is needed.
If one or more of our employee(s) presents themselves at work with a fever or difficulty breathing, this indicates that they should seek medical attention.
ACS reserves the right and will ask an employee to leave work or stay home until they get tested for the COVID-19 virus if they exhibit symptoms of this virus or the flu. ACS reserves the right to prohibit any employee that has worked with or has been in contact with the said employee until a negative COVID-19 test result is obtained from a medical professional. The CDC states that employees who exhibit symptoms of influenza-like illness at work during a pandemic should leave the workplace in an effort to minimize the spread of infectious diseases.
If any employee(s) test positive for the COVID-19 virus, all employees which have worked closely with the said employee, may be sent home for a period of up to 14 consecutive days to ensure the infection does not spread within our company. The affected employee’s identity as mandated by HIPAA will only be released to “covered entities” such as medical providers or employer – sponsored group health plans and then only in connection with individually identifiable health information. ACS will implement enhanced cleaning procedures after potential employee exposure. In the event of confirmed exposure ACS will contract SERVPRO to disinfect work areas that were likely to have been exposed to the virus. Items such as vehicles, equipment, tools and offices would be disinfected according to the CDC & OSHA standards.
In the event of a confirmed positive COVID-19 case ACS will immediately notify all clients of the potential exposure so they may take necessary measures to ensure the safety of their employees.
Appellation Construction Services, LLC will follow and adhere to the CDC and WHO policies regarding the handling of infectious diseases.
What causes Coronaviruses?
Coronaviruses are zoonotic. This means they first develop in animals before developing in humans.
For the virus to pass from animal to humans, a person has to come into close contact with an animal that carries the infection.
Once the virus develops in people, coronaviruses can be spread from person to person through respiratory droplets. This is a technical name for the wet stuff that moves through the air when you cough or sneeze.
The viral material hangs out in these droplets and can be breathed into the respiratory tract (your windpipe and lungs), where the virus can then lead to an infection.
The 2019 coronavirus hasn’t been definitively linked to a specific animal.
But researchers believe that the virus may have been passed from bats to another animal – either snakes or pangolins – and then transmitted to humans. This transmission likely occurred in the open food market in Wuhan, China.
What are the symptoms?
If any of these below symptoms are felt please follow the above reporting requirements.
Doctors are learning new things every day. So far, we know that COVID-19 may not initially cause any symptoms.
You may carry the virus for 2 days or up to 2 weeks before you notice symptoms.
Some common symptoms that have been specifically linked to the 2019 coronavirus include:
• Feeling “short of breath”
• Having a “cough” that gets more severe over time
• A low-grade fever that gradually increases in temperature (greater than 100.4F
• Headache
• Tiredness
• Persistent pain or pressure in the chest
• New confusion or inability to arouse
• Diarrhea or upset stomach
• Bluish lips or face
• Loss of taste
• Loss of smell
The full list of symptoms is still being investigated.
Who is at increased risk?
You’re at higher risk for developing this disease if you come into contact with someone who’s carrying the virus, especially if you’ve been exposed to their saliva or been near them when they’ve coughed or sneezed.
Older adults with underlying health issues seem more susceptible.
People who have serious chronic medical conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, and lung disease.
Washing your hands and disinfecting surfaces can help decrease your risk for catching this or other viruses.
How are Coronaviruses diagnosed?
The 2019 coronavirus can be diagnosed similarly to other viral infections: using a blood, saliva, or tissue sample. In the United States, only the CDC Trusted Source currently has the ability to diagnose COVOD-19.
Talk to your doctor immediately if you think you have a coronavirus infection, especially if you’ve traveled to China in the past 14 days. Your doctor will speak to local public health officials to provide guidance on whether testing for the virus is needed.
What treatments are available?
There’s currently no treatment specifically approved for the 2019 coronavirus, and no cure for an infection, although treatments and vaccines are currently under study. Instead, treatment focuses on managing symptoms as the virus runs its course.
Seek immediate medical help if you think you have COVID-19. Your doctor will recommend treatment for any symptoms or complications that develop.
Other coronaviruses like SARS and MERS do have vaccines and treatments. Some treatments for these similar viruses include:
• Antiviral or retroviral medications
• Breathing support like mechanical ventilation
• Steroids to reduce lung swelling
• Blood plasma transfusions
How to Prevent Coronaviruses
As the COVID-19 virus continues to spread throughout the United States, new and enhanced prevention techniques are being implemented each day. ACS has increased our safety measures by instituting that our employees follow the CDC’s Social Distancing 6’ guidelines and have reduced employee gatherings to less than 10 people. We have installed hand sanitizing stations throughout our Shop and for our field locations. Our employees will be required to wear facial protection when unable to maintain or adhere to the 6’ Social Distancing requirements. Other options are homemade face masks, bandanas, neck gaiter, balaclava, or a scarf. The best way to prevent the spread of this virus is to avoid or limit contact with people who are showing flu-like symptoms of the COVID-19 virus or have traveled to or have been in contact with someone that has travelled to China in the past 14 days.
(Please refer to our Site-Specific Bubble Plan to assist with the Social Distancing requirements)
The next best thing you can do is practice good hygiene to prevent bacteria and viruses from spreading
ACS will use items such as daily reminders, posters & signage to assist our employees during these trying times. We will be available to answer any employee question(s).
• Wash your hands frequently for at least 30 seconds at a time with warm water and soap.
• Avoid touching your face, eyes or mouth.
• Cover your mouth with the inside of your elbow whenever you sneeze or cough. Throw away any tissues you use to blow your nose or sneeze right away. Wash hands immediately.
• Be alert, try to maintain a distance of 6 feet between yourself and other people (Self Distancing)
• If soap and water are not available, use a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol.
• Wash hands after touching surfaces in public places.
• Frequently clean any objects you touch a lot. Use disinfectants on objects like phones, computers, inside of your vehicle, utensils, dish ware and door handles.
What’s the outlook?
First and foremost, don’t panic as the recovery rate is very high for the COVID-19 virus.
You will need to be quarantined if you have been diagnosed with this coronavirus or have travelled to any of the PA Quarantine State Travel List. (See attached listing or go to the PA Dep’t of Health website as the information changes frequently) Health.pa.gov
Following simple hygiene guidelines may help prevent you from contracting this and other viruses.
The COVID-19 may seem scary when you read the news about new deaths, quarantines, and travel bans.
In context, the COVID-19 seems much less severe but spreads easily if social distancing isn’t maintained.
Stay calm and follow your doctor’s instructions if you’re diagnosed with the COVID-19 virus so that you can recover and help prevent it from spreading.
Be Your Brothers’ Keeper, If You See Something….Say Something.
Appellation Construction Services, LLC. Safety Department Doc. 01, Rev.10 08/10/2020
ACS Coronavirus (COVID-19) Health & Safety Plan